Haseenah is a visual artist and print maker, making headways in the world of arts. She was shy as young girl, so she went to work in retail which, gave her the confidence she felt she needed. Whilst doing this she Completed a degree in illustration. She then quickly began to make a name for herself as a talented illustrator. She joined Punch Records Gallery 37 which, gave the opportunity for her worked to be featured in an exhibition. This enabled her work to be seen and gave her recognition from within the creative industry.

Haseebah learnt many new skills by taking on roles which, took her out her comfort zone. Many roles she took without pay. She did this for a while until she found herself in a shadow artist role with the Gap arts Project. Gaining this role led to other paid work as the word got around about her artistic talent. The Gap Arts Project then gave her the opportunity to host her own solo exhibition using her current and past work from back when she was studying at university.

The exhibition encouraged her to take art more seriously and she began to do it on a full-time basis. Gaining more and more work as she continued to be recommended by clients and friends within the industry. She currently has her own studio which, she works from as a freelance artist and illustrator.

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